The Garage Party Chair Persons, Ed and Janet Hermes
Our FABULOUS chefs, Joel Gregorcyk, Kevin Bell, Steve Hermes, Jamie White and Ron Rhive
And their equally FABULOUS food
Porsche of the Village the setting for the Garage Party
OK Syncopators
Signing in
The crowd sure enjoyed the food
More of that enjoyment
Molly Barber, Mary and Herb Krombholz, Brenda Benzar and Jim Barber
Lee Scovanner, Margaret Kuhnell, Kurt Niemeyer and Scott Longevin
Rick Bieser and Bill Victor
Standing:Larry Brushaber And Gary Kirschner Seated: Mary Schumacher, Sandy Brushaber And Evelyn Kirschner
Pepe Merrick and Billy Couch
David and Beverly Corsmeier, Lori Howell and Don Justice
Gary Shell, Miriam Snyder, Dave Snyder, Fred Jones, Karen Trimble Shell
The Silent Auction
The Silent Auction crew, Elizabeth Bieser, Diane Little, Sue Willis, Jackie Sweeney and Kim Wilson
Joe Spryshak, Wes Spryshak and Donna Schneider
Bidding in the Silent Auction
More bidding on Silent Auction items
Diane Little and Scott Whitaker drawing the winner of the Jay Leno Tour
Scott Whitaker and the very surprised winner of the Jay Leno Tour prize, Jackie Sweney